Case Study’s Chromium builds now run 4x faster using EngFlow’s Remote Execution capabilities. The excellent observability and support ensure that build issues are swiftly identified and resolved.

About is a time-traveling debugger for web applications. While typical debuggers can be limited to displaying the state of a program at a single moment, allows you to see the program’s state at any given point in time. This is made possible using an effectively deterministic browser, the Replay Browser.

The Replay Browser executes your code, producing recordings that are processed in the cloud backend. This allows users to access the time-traveling debugger directly from their browsers. This approach offers a number of advantages, including the ability to easily shift debugging from a solo activity to a shared one.

Instead of sharing a stack trace link, allows users to share entire debugging sessions. This enables creation of more detailed overviews through annotations on code segments or network calls. The outcome is faster, more insightful debugging of even the most pernicious bugs. What might have taken days to fix can be resolved in hours.

Hundreds Of Builds A Day builds Chromium for all major platforms, including arm and x86 for MacOS. Previously, engineers ran into problems with library and operating system upgrades that completely blocked the ability to build Chromium. The configuration in place meant that investigating build issues was chaos. With setups varying from person to person, the metrics and traces around bad builds were an absolute mystery. All of this made it a challenge to diagnose slow builds reported by engineers.

EngFlow provided us with excellent support on how we could enable macOS and Windows chromium builds in remote execution. They also provided us with a dashboard where we can see detailed metrics around all of our builds, making it easy to see if a build issue is systemic or not.
Dan Miller
Software Engineer at

4x Improvement And So Much More

Transitioning to EngFlow’s solutions provided significant improvements, reducing 4 hour builds to under an hour. has been empowered to run MacOS and Windows chromium builds through Remote Execution capabilities. EngFlow’s comprehensive dashboard provided detailed metrics across all builds, making it easy to see if a build issue is systemic or not.


From 4 hours down to under 1 hour

Easy Solution: EngFlow’s Managed Model

Implementing EngFlow’s fully managed solution was easy. The detailed documentation and well thought out implementation points were a very helpful tool. EngFlow’s responsive customer support team makes sure that sticky situations are few and far between, with prompt access to the assistance needed.

It’s hard to imagine an initiative that EngFlow doesn’t impact for us, the experience that they provide is foundational to our ability to ship software.
Dan Miller
Software Engineer at

Evolving With EngFlow

Crafting tools for developers is a challenge. Especially since everyone’s environment varies so much. Developers use a range of operating systems and generally push the boundaries of each and every system they use.’s goal to design a complex solution that works in all these cases can seem almost impossible. Luckily, EngFlow has helped face down these challenges. The evolving partnership between EngFlow and is the first step toward extended support for’s Buck2 builds, marking another exciting stage in the collaboration.

No matter what we are doing, no matter how crazy I think it sounds, EngFlow has always taken every challenge I have given them in stride, whether it was how old some of our software is or how custom we wanted our build tools to be.
Dan Miller
Software Engineer at

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