Streamline builds with
Remote Caching

Overhaul your build process with EngFlow's Remote Caching to enhance collaboration and boost productivity.
By integrating Remote Caching with your build system, you can accelerate build time, reduce developer workload, lower compute costs, and eliminate redundant rebuilds and test re-runs.


Streamlined builds: gRPC with cache compression and BwoB
Our Remote Caching solution is designed for fast and efficient data transfers between the build system and remote cache.
By leveraging gRPC, client-server communication is streamlined, reducing latency, and improving overall performance. Through cache compression, your data footprint is minimized while boosting build speeds. Build without the Bytes (BwoB) ensures that only essential bytes are transferred, preventing unnecessary data exchanges.
Insight at your fingertips: build and cache analytics
Gain a deeper understanding of how your builds are performing with comprehensive analytics. Our Build & Test UI provides real-time data on cache hit rates, build time, status, and more.
Easily identify bottlenecks and optimization opportunities to improve your builds, making them faster and more efficient.
Advanced layered caching architecture
To boosting build performance, we implement a layered strategy for Remote Caching.
Using multiple layers of caching, frequently accessed data is readily available, reducing redundant data requests. This approach speeds up build times and reduces network load, providing a seamless and efficient build experience.
Dedicated infrastructure; secure builds
Your build lives in an isolated environment, with robust encryption to protect your data.
By default, EngFlow’s Remote Caching solution uses secure, dedicated infrastructure to fortify your proprietary code and artifacts against potential threats.
All of our solutions are regularly audited by a third-party to certify compliance with the five SOC 2 principles: Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, and Privacy.
Improved build scalability
As your team grows, so do the demands and complexities of your project. Having a tool that can scales with you is crucial.
We have engineered Remote Caching to handle projects of all sizes, from small development teams and internal tools to enterprise-scale and nationally used software.
It meets the demands of larger, more complex builds by allowing for increased parallelism, optimizing resource usage, monitoring performance metrics, and distributing caching loads across multiple servers. This empowers your team to collaborate, maintain productivity and meet development goals without compromise.

More about EngFlow’s platform

Remote Execution

Make builds & tests faster: distribute them and remotely cache results.

Build and Test UI

View build and test results in your browser and share them with others.

Bazel Invocation Analyzer

Get free, automatic recommendations to optimize your Bazel performance.